VSB - Technical University of Ostrava, Ostrava, Czech Republic, EU
Position: director of Institute of Environmental Technology and full professor at Faculty of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering, VSB - Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic, EU
Specialization: Environmental catalysis, Photocatalysis, Catalysis and reactor engineering, Adsorption, Cobalt mixed oxides, N2O catalytic decomposition
At the NANOCON 2015 conference Prof. Obalová will deliver the invited lecture at the thematic session B - Industrial & Environmental Applications of Nanomaterials.
Education and Professional Experience:
Lucie Obalová, born in 1968 in Ostrava, Czech Republic (EU), studied chemical engineering at Institute of Chemical Technology in Prague (M. Sc., 1991), and carried out her graduate studies “Hydrotalcite based materials for N2O catalytic decomposition” at VSB - Technical University of Ostrava (Ph.D. degree in 2003).
From 1995 until now, she has worked at Department of physical chemistry and theory of technologic processes, Faculty of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering at VSB - Technical University of Ostrava. In 2005 she obtained associate professor degree and in 2009 professor degree at VSB - Technical University of Ostrava. From 2013 she is also director of university research center Institute of Environmental Technology at the same university.
Research interests:
Research at the VSB - Technical University of Ostrava led by Prof. Obalová covers aspects of chemical engineering and materials focused mainly on heterogeneous catalysis and photocatalysis, kinetics and mechanisms with applications in waste gas cleaning and purification of indoor environment. A wide range of characterization methods is used to study the properties of catalysts to find out the relationships between their structural, textural and optical properties and catalytic efficiency. Solved research projects are of a transdisciplinary nature and target fundamental as well as applied research.
Summary of publication activity:
WoS: 48 publications, 663 citations (without autocitation), h-Index: 14.
She is also author of 1 monoghraph, 2 patents and several applied results (verified technologies, operative mock-ups).