NILU - Norwegian Institute for Air Research, Kjeller, Norway

Present position: Senior Scientist, Health Effects Laboratory, GLP certified, Department of Environmental Chemistry (MILK), NILU- Norwegian Institute for Air Research, Kjeller, Norway

Specialization in nanoscience: Nanotoxicology, Nanomaterial Safety


At the NANOCON 2015 conference Dr. Dusinska will deliver the invited lecture at the session D - Monitoring and Toxicity of Nanomaterials.


Relevant experience:
Over 30 years of experience in the field of environment and health, genetic toxicology, nanotoxicology, hazard and risk assessment, in vitro / in vivo studies, molecular and cellular toxicology, molecular epidemiology, biomonitoring and biomarkers, in DNA damage and repair, mutagenicity and carcingenicity. Between 1995-2006, she was Head of Molecular Toxicology Laboratory and Head of Department of Experimental and Applied Genetics at Slovak Medical University (SMU), Bratislava, Slovakia, EU. The laboratories leaded by Dr. Dusinska have been certified for OECD GLP (1998-2006 and from 2013-present). Teaching ‘DNA instability and human health’ at Commenius University Bratislava since 1997 and since 2004 visiting professor at Oslo University teaching subject ‘Food toxicology’. Between years 2000-2005 in the OECD working group for biotechnology and regulatory toxicology, and recently in OECD expert group for genetic toxicology and nanotoxicology. In 2005-2006 working as national expert at EC DG RTD Health at Brussels, Belgium and responsible for alternative toxicity tests. In 2008 a member of EC FP7 Advisory Group for Environment (including climate change). Since 2013 a member of the Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety (SCCS) set up by Commission Decision 2008/721/EC. Editor of international journals Mutagenesis, Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology, editor of Environmental Research and of Journal of Biomarkers and guest editor for special issue in Nanotoxicology and Environmental Molecular Mutagenesis. 

Coordinated FP5 EC project Centre of Excellence in Environmental Health HEAR NAS, partner in FP5 project FIBRETOX, ESCODD and in FP6 projects INTARESE, HENVINET, HEIMTSA, COMICS and NewGeneris. Coordinator of FP7 project NanoTEST (http://www.nanotest-fp7.eu/) focused on development of testing strategies for nanomaterials; leader of Impact assessment workpackage of large FP7 project NanoImpactNet; coordinator of FP7 Marie Curie project NanOmega; workpackage leader in Marie Curie Initial Training Network NanoTOES (http://www.nanotoes.eu/; both projects focused on toxicity of nanosilver); and partner in large FP7 projects on infrastructure of nanomaterial safety – QNANO (http://www.qualitynano.eu/; task leader for genotoxicity) and NanoREG (task leader for high throughput methods; http://www.nanoreg.eu/). She coordinates national project NorNanoREG in NanoSafety, is involved in Euronanomed II project GEMNs and Norwegian-Czech EEA project EYFRTX. Since 2005 actively involved in an international network on nanomaterial safety (NanoCluster). Since 2008 a member of the Standards Norway ISO Committee ISO/TC229 on nanotechnology. Member of the ComNet steering committee, member of Norwegian SafeNano platform; National coordinator of NanoSafety.


Research profile:
Nanoparticle/particle toxicity, impact assessment of nanomaterials; Toxicology in vivo and in vitro mechanism of action of xenobiotics at molecular, genetic and cellular levels, molecular mechanisms ofmutagenesis; mutagenicity and carcinogenicity in vivo and in vitro. Development of new techniques for toxicity testing, replacement of animal testing Environmental exposure, impact assessment of air pollutants; Biomonitoring of human populations subject to environmental and occupational exposure using molecular epidemiological approach. New biomarkers of cancer risk; biomarkers of individual susceptibility; genetic polymorphism in biotransformation and repair genes; DNA damage and repair in humans; biological consequences of DNA damage in humans; involvement in degenerative diseases Oxidative damage, its implication in chronic diseases and aging, antioxidant protection against DNA damage.


Over 200 publications in peer-reviewed journals, over 3900 citations, h-score 28 (Scopus; excl. self-citations).

